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A.K.A., the game that tricked me into learning JavaScript

Q: What the hell is a "many land?"
A: Manyland was a pixel-art platformer sandbox game, in which players could create their own characters, blocks, and even scripts to some extent. Notice I say "was," as Manyland's servers were shut down in February of 2024 due to budget issues.

Luckily, there have been some efforts to archive and reboot the game. I'd recommend checking out the unofficial remake: Thingistan!

This shrine will be less about the history of Manyland and more about my personal experience with the game.

The first screenshot I took, dating back to ~2016.

Q: How does Manyland work?
A: Manyland is divided up into player-made worlds called "areas," where players can explore and collect creations of other players, or create and place their own creations if they can edit there.

There were surprisingly few limits in Manyland, you could make areas as big as you wanted, and create/collect as many items as you wanted.

The create menu, taken from a fan trailer for the game, click to see the video.
An example of how talking in Manyland looks. I love that you could see players type and delete characters in real-time!
A very zoomed-out image of "the portal of portals," my main hub-world and workshop. Most worlds aren't even 1 MB in size but this bad boy clocks in at nearly 200 MB and was the most pain-in-the-ass to back up.

One of my favorite things about Manyland was the fact that if you saw something you liked, you could "collect" it and use a copy of that object in your own worlds. It was really fun to scour areas for new blocks to use!

Q: Where does JavaScript fit into Manyland?
A: Quite a few places, actually! Aside from the fact that the game itself runs on JavaScript, there were a couple of in-game object types that had JavaScript functionality: This also meant learning JavaScript had many fun applications in Manyland. Some of my favorite uses: